Preferential Bidding Version. Acceptance of a wide variety of crew bids over the internet. List of bids awarded including those not awarded together with a reason. View of current and next bid period crew schedule to facilitate placing of bids before they are rejected. Full view of all trips for any period to facilitate trip selection. Option to evaluate bids, get list of conflicts, and do last minute changes. Construction based around user preassigned duties.
Summary of all bids placed, granted, and not granted by month and / or bid type. Automatic Crew Pairing Generator. Automatic Generation of legal and cost effective crew pairings. Considerable savings through reduction of operating, hotel and dead-heading costs. Interface with OAG Flight Guide for dead-head flight selection. Inclusion of soft rules during the construction phase to offer the best balance between monetary costs and quality of life for crew. Automatic generation of pairings from each base, such that workload across crew bases is evenly distributed.
Provides weekly or dated solutions for all crew bases and crew positions. Establishment Planning IIUpgrade & Recruitment Plan. Identifies the number and type of crew that need to be recruited/upgraded. Base and Function Bidding available over the web. Highlights eligible crew based upon airline criteria i.e. Length of service, total hours, etc. Considers crew preferences i.e.
Base, position, fleet. Identifies training course type and recommends start date.
Alert criteria regarding the requirement to upgrade Line Crew to Instructors. Optimization of initial and transition course requirements.
Integrated with the Automatic Crew Training Planning & Tracking, Vacation Bidding & Award, and Crew Planning Modules. Training Travel Auto Assignment. Optimized assignment of Air and/or Ground transportation to/from the Training Center. Highly configurable rule set provides for en-route pickup/drop off transfer assignments.
Separate rules may be configured for Instructors and Trainees. Minimum pre/post flight rest requirements are considered. OAG Guide can be considered during the optimization process. Travel requirements can be determined as “Deadheading before” or “Deadheading after training”. Graphical display of all travel assignments.
Alert mechanism in the event of a travel assignment failure. Training Forms Management Allows instructors at the end of each training course to input via the Internet all training results including electronic signature. Upon completion of Training assessment form AIMS automatically updates crew training records and recalculates training expiry dates.An unlimited number of Training assessment forms may be designed easily using Microsoft Word and then tied to each training component in the course syllabus.Training assessment forms already completed by Instructors may be viewed, and certified also by Training Managers, including their electronic signature.History of all completed Training forms may be kept for years, and reviewed / printed / emailed anywhere at any time.
Company Listing:From enquiries addressed to our RE call centre, it appears that many candidates underestimate the importance of proper preparation for this professional exam.There are two basic documents which candidates have to study in order to assure success:. The FSB recently updated its for Key Individuals and Representatives. Without at least reading through this, candidates have no idea of what to expect.
The Inseta study material for:(RE 1) and/or (RE 5) contain all the information essential for proper preparation. It is free, and can be downloaded from our website.Our also contains a vast amount of information to assist learners in preparing for the exams. Please spend some time to see, for instance, what the “bubble sheet” on which you have to mark your answers look like, as well as practical tips on how to approach the exams in the correct manner. Breaking News »The South African Insurance Association (SAIA) would like to announce the resignation of its General Manager: Insurance Risks, Mr Nico Esterhuizen who will be leaving the association at the end of December.The range of exposures facing directors and officers (D&Os) – as well as subsequent claims scenarios – have increased significantly in recent years in the midst of a prolonged soft market. With.“Bad news” events, impact of climate change, bankruptcies and political challenges have increasing risk implications for directors and officers (D&Os)Growth of securities class actions and third.The South African Insurance Association (SAIA) encourages consumers to consider taking extra care in protecting their identity this festive season.
Criminal activity tends to increase considerably over the holiday.More News ».